When listening to the lecture about how the long tail theory is impacting our market today, I couldn't help but think about the pace of our society. We have become accustomed to having information readily available at our fingertips or with the click of the mouse. Because of the scarcity of shelf space in retail environments, more and more business is being played out through online means such as Amazon, Ebay, and online shopping websites.
It is also interesting to see the transition of major companies from brick-and-mortar establishments to reaching their consumers through online marketing, online media and online purchasing and buying. Through this transition we see specific-tailored websites to so many niche groups develop and one key word in a blog or personal website (such as Facebook or Myspace) can lead to banner ads tailored to your interests and hobbies.
The web is infinite and that is hard to grasp because we still are surrounded by finite business means such as shelf space at Walmart, memory on your camera, minutes on your cell phone- but more and more we are introduced to this idea of infinite space and with that internet really is showing us that a small number of things (such as Ebay, Netflix, and Rhapsody) can really have a big impact on how we act as consumers of products and how we lean more on technology to develop new habits of consumption.